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Articles and Reviews on Testing Tools

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Defect Management Tools for a Market-Friendly Product

Defect management tools improve software quality and ensure that all the defects are prioritized according to preferences.

Post date: 21-07-09

Nurture the Testing productivity with the use of a test management system

As the mission of an organization behind the software testing is to boost up the overall organization’s productivity and efficiency.

Post date: 21-06-22

iOS Apps You Should have on your Phone

The below-mentioned is a great pack of iOS apps you can install for almost every purpose. But the app creators must realize that their creation can fall to demise if it fails to deliver what it claims.

Post date: 21-06-07

Best Practices for Bug Tracking and Real-Time Feedback

To collect customer input, use open sources of feedback, feedback tools that allow for automation and qualitative insights, and close the loop on bug reports. You'll be able to solve their challenges and develop excellent interactive products based on their requirements.

Post date: 21-05-26

Solving the Defect Clustering Problem

Defects are not evenly distributed in an application. The majority of quality issues can be caused by a small number of features in an application.

Post date: 21-05-12

Bug Tracking Benefits Go Far Beyond Software Development

Issue tracking is not just limited to software development projects but highly valuable for semiconductor engineering as well.

Post date: 21-04-02

Code Reviews - The Ultimate Tool To Identify Vulnerabilities

Thus, it is important to invest in reliable code review services from a renowned software testing company to make most of the testing efforts and achieve business goals.

Post date: 20-05-07

Code Reviews - The Ultimate Tool To Identify Vulnerabilities

Thus, it is important to invest in reliable code review services from a renowned software testing company to make most of the testing efforts and achieve business goals.

Post date: 20-05-07

Quality Assurance with Defect Tracking Software

The defect tracking software ensures that bugs are fixed which results in the delivery of a high-quality product on time and within the budget.

Post date: 20-05-05

Pen Testing is Important - But Are You Doing It Right?

Thus, a penetration testing company can help in filling the gaps between defenses and these vulnerabilities, before a malicious attacker can take advantage of the situation. There are different types of penetration tests designed to fit different areas of an organization.

Post date: 19-12-13

Impact of Functional Automation Testing on Business ROI

Global companies are trying to achieve quality software applications. For developing quality apps, they must be tested for any bugs in the newly-added feature, for security, robustness, and a lot more. Apps undergo different testing processes as they will be used in different systems, environments, and scenarios.

  • Functional Automation Testing on Business ROI
Post date: 19-12-09

Cyber-Security: Is your Business Secure?

Security cameras and other security devices are connected to the internet and allow users to access them remotely to check their business. It allows business owners and stakeholders to see what is going on while they are not physically present at their office, retail outlet or manufacturing unit.

Post date: 19-10-25

Kualitee: Test Management Features Review

Kualitee is a testing management software that facilitates the enterprises and business firms to run tests with the use of the mobile app and web devices. It has made possible for you to have quick access to issues without any restrictions on time or place. Hence, it a complete test management software that allows managing all test cases under one roof. Once you decide to use it you won’t regret your decision.

Post date: 19-10-01

Questions to Ask A Usability Testing Vendor

When engaging the services of a usability testing vendor, businesses should have a good sense of their business profile and history of operations. If a testing company has not handled projects for a particular vertical, it is probably going to be new territory for them

Post date: 19-09-13

How to Make the Most of Your Test Management Tools?

<p> With all the famous test management tools available in the market, each organization chooses to pick one that suits their budget, requirements, customer support, agility, integrations, etc. However, testing teams still need to fully utilize these features to make their testing efforts successful.&nbsp; </p>
Post date: 19-09-11

6 Tips for Automation Testers

Automation testing is a branch of software testing that compares actual results with the expected outcome. It gives more speedy and accurate results than manual testing and is ideal to use for repetitive tests. Not all test automation projects deliver success. 

Post date: 19-09-06

Digital Testing: The Next Frontier of Mobile Testing

.Devices and mobile platforms are proliferating at a fierce pace, and that means that testing has to keep up with the same degree of agility, speed, and diversity too. Digital testing services is the new frontier of mobile testing.

Post date: 19-05-27

FinTech – Overcome the challenges of testing a FinTech application with TestingXperts

As per some key researches done to identify the top causes of FinTech software application failures, one of the main reasons turned out to be poor software quality. Placing special attention on testing a FinTech app is crucial. Check out our accelerators and test automation solutions which can be leveraged to overcome many potential FinTech application testing challenges.

Post date: 19-03-06


Innovation through AI in the insurance industry is often stifled due to the complexity nature of its products/services, and customers find the products / services confusing which is often a root cause of poor customer experience. However, this shouldn't stop AI to revolutionize the entire sector and deliver the best customer experiences. Read this blog to know how AI is addressing industry's key challenges

Post date: 19-01-16

Challenges of Testing EDI-Based Applications

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) allows to handle business transactions seamlessly while offering a wide range of benefits. However, there are challenges to making the most of EDI, particularly when you are at the helm of a fast-growing business. Read this blog to know the various challenges of EDI-based applications and how to overcome them.

Post date: 19-01-08

How Crucial Is Accessibility Testing For The Growth Of Business Application

Technology is changing the way we live, but it needs to change how we access it, especially in the digital age that provides innovation and new opportunities to everyone who consumes it. It requires a lot of effort in creating a technology that can be used by ‘everyone’. For instance, if a product is released in the market, it is important that the product is used by every individual, even those with special needs.

Post date: 18-10-23

Agile Regression Testing Best Practices

In Agile, at Which People Often release Applications to production, We Need to make sure that applications are of premium excellent all through the evolution. We need to try early and need to examine regularly.  We need to be sure we get the correct conditions to start with, and also to make sure we examine through the duration of development, perhaps not quit testing only before discharge.

Post date: 18-10-09

4 Easy Ways to Maintain Test Automation Suites

 Here are the some ways to optimize automation test suite maintenance and ensure effective regression testing. This is one of the most popular methods for test casesuite optimization. Test automation is the use of software (under a setting of test preconditions) to execute tests and ... independent. 

  • quality assurance automation testing services
Post date: 18-10-09


Moving to the cloud is a smarter way to get better and faster service at less price. And, this is only possible once all the boxes in the checklists mentioned in this article have been crossed and you follow the steps of each testing area correctly. Testing the objectives/validations and approaches that were mentioned in the above cloud assessment checklist effectively could be quite tough. Our best bet is to work with a team that has done cloud migration testing before, many times.

Post date: 18-09-25

Why Technology Startups Should Not Ignore Software Testing

Every startup starts with the minimal resources it could gather, and even if not, nobody tends to put in that extra effort (or money) to hire a QA team or get QA Consulting company for product testing.


Post date: 18-09-18

Best Automation Testing Practices You Can’t Afford to Miss!

Mobile Test Automation, being critical in the Continuous Development and Testing cycle, helps elevate the digital agility of the enterprises. However, it also comes with quite a significant number of challenges.

Post date: 18-09-11




Total Manufacturers in our archive: 280
Testing tool manufacturers world-wide list
10Levels ABID CONSULTING AccelQ Accord Software ActiMind AdaCore
AdaLog AgileLoad AgileWay Agitar Algorismi ALL4TEC
Andreas Kleffel Android Apache Apica Apollo Systems
Applitools AppPerfect Appsee ApTest Assertible Assure
Atlassian AutoIt Consulti .. Automation Anyw .. Automation Cons .. Axosoft Aztaz Software
Backtrace I/O Badboy BlazeMeter Borvid BrowserStack BSQUARE
BStriker Intern .. CA Technologies Canonical Canoo Engineeri .. Catch Software CelestialTeapot
Chris Mallett Cleanscape ClicTest CloudQA Codeborne CodeCentrix
CodePlex projec .. Codoid Cogitek Compuware Configure IT Conflair
ConSol Core Services Coronys Ltd Countersoft CresTech Softwa .. CrossBrowserTes ..
Crosscheck Netw .. Crowdsourced Te .. Cucumber Ltd Cyara Cygnet Infotech DareBoost
Databene Datamatics Glob .. DevExpress DTM soft Dynatrace LLC EasyQA
Eclipse EkaTechserv Elvior Emmanuel Jorge Empirix EPAM Systems
Equafy Esterel Technol .. eXept Software .. Experitest Finaris Froglogic
FrontEndART Ltd GeneXus GitHub project gnoso Google Code Pro .. GrammaTech
Gurock Software HelpSystems HENIX Hewlett Packard .. Hexawise High-Tech Bridg ..
Hiptest Hitex IBM Rational imbus Shanghai Impetus Inflectra
informUp InTENSO - IT Ex .. Ipswitch Jamo Solutions Janova JAR Technologie ..
JBoss Developer jClarity JetBrains Jively jQuery foundati ..
JS Foundation Jspresso Kanoah KMS Technology Kualitee LDRA Limited
Litmus LoadFocus Loadster Perfor .. MarathonITE Marketcircle Marketcircle
Maveryx Meliora Ltd Micro Focus Sof .. Microsoft Mobile Labs Mobile1st
Mockaroo, LLC Monkop Mozila MSys Technologi .. Navicat NeoTys
Neowise Softwar .. NetCart NORIZZK.COM Novosync Mobili .. NRG Global NTT Resonant
OC Systems Odin Technology OpCord Oracle Orcanos Original Softwa ..
OW2 PANAYA Parasoft PassMark Patterson Consu .. Perfecto Mobile
Pivotal, Inc. Plutora Postman (API To .. PractiTest PrimaTest Process One
Programming Res .. Psoda PureLoad PushToTest Python Q-Assurance
QA Systems QACube QASymphony QAWorks QMetry Quali
Qualitia Softwa .. Quality First S .. Quotium RadView Softwar .. Ranorex RedLine13
Reflective Solu .. ReQtest RevDeBug Robotium Tech Rogue Wave Soft .. Rommana Softwar ..
RTTS Runscope Sandklef GNU La .. Sauce Labs Seapine Softwar ..
SeleniumHQ Sencha Sensiple Siemens PLM Sof .. SmartBear Softw .. SmarteSoft
SOASTA SoftLogica Softomotive Softsmith Solution-Soft SonarSource
Sourceforge Spirent Technol .. SQS Software Qu .. Square Stimulus Techno .. Swifting AB
Synopsys T-komp T-Plan TechExcel TechTalk Telerik By Prog ..
Tellurium Test Collab Test Goat Test Recon TestCaseLab Gm ..
TestCraft Techn .. Testenium TestingBot TestLodge Testmunk
Testomato TestOptimal TestPlant TestPro Testsigma Techn .. Testuff
The Core Bankin .. The MathWorks The Open Group Thoughtbot Thoughtworks Time Simulator Top-Q Trace Technolog .. TrendIC TRICENTIS
Tritusa Pty Ltd TWD Solutions P .. TypeMock Tyto Software Ubertesters UniTESK
Universal Test .. Usetrace Ltd Utrecht Univers .. Validata Group Vanamco AG Vector Software
Veracode Verifaya Corpor .. Verit VersionOne Vornex Inc. WcfStorm Soluti .. We Are Mammoth Web Performance .. Wintask Wireshark Found ..
Worksoft Xceptance XK72 Xpand IT XQual ZAPTEST
Zeenyx Software .. Zephyr Zeta Software zutubi pty

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