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We at Codeborne are creating software solutions, that enable fast and convenient customer interaction with your company. Being it in the web, mobile, set-top box or Internet of Things, we do not mind, how deep we have to go in integration works to enable this. Established in 2010 by the team who created and upgraded award-winning online banking for Swedbank in the Baltics, we have created a number of internet banks, energy and telco information systems, ID-card and photo shooting software and a lot more. In our work we are aiming at exceptional user experience. Wherever possible, we hide the complexity from the end users and follow the principle “don’t make me think”. We do not offer “box” solutions, as our customers - ambitious entrepreneurs - are all unique. Likewise the software supporting their business goals can not be trivial “out of the box” solution. For delivering tailor-made software, we follow the principles of agile software development and work in pairs. We use simple software design, use open source components wherever possible and cover everything with automated testing.

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Company Size: 
11-50 employees
Privately Held

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