SandStorm tests system behavior under real-time conditions and converts this data into simple-to-understand, yet informative and sophisticated, graphs and reports. Equipped with this information, businesses, which develop Web applications can more quickly and efficiently resolve problems, thereby ensuring a positive end-user experience and providing the opportunity for increased revenue. SandStorm Cloud offers performance testing from cloud. It provides a web-based management console to design, execute and analyze performance tests. It leverages cloud to provision load generation environment at runtime and execute performance tests.
AppLoader, a user friendly high performance, yet highly affordable load testing tool to ensure the readiness of all your applications. AppLoader allows prevention of application performance problems by providing end-to-end flexible variations of tests: smoke testing, regression testing, performance testing, stress testing, functional testing, security testing, and more. AppLoader is a complete Quality Assurance solutions package designed for every vertical industry and every application accessible from a windows front end. This means no plugins or wrappers and no additional cost to you.
IBM® Rational® Performance Tester is a performance testing solution that validates the scalability of web and server applications. Rational Performance Tester identifies the presence and cause of system performance bottlenecks and reduces load testing complexity. Rational Performance Tester helps to quickly execute performance tests that analyze the impact of load on the applications.
CLIF is an open load testing platform, including: load injectors, for generating traffic (a variety of protocols are supported such as HTTP, FTP, SIP...), and probes, for measuring resource usage (processor, memory, network...). CLIF comes with test supervision features (including monitoring of response times, throughput, error rate, computing resources consumption), and analysis tools. Both command-line and graphical user interfaces are provided, including Eclipse plug-ins. CLIF is extensible through Java programming (new injectors, new probes).
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