Robot Framework is a generic test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has easy-to-use tabular test data syntax and it utilizes the keyword-driven testing approach. Its testing capabilities can be extended by test libraries implemented either with Python or Java, and users can create new higher-level keywords from existing ones using the same syntax that is used for creating test cases.
Robot Framework project is hosted on GitHub where you can find further documentation, source code, and issue tracker. Downloads are hosted at PyPI. The framework has a rich ecosystem around it consisting of various generic test libraries and tools that are developed as separate projects.
IQ Bot is cognitive automation that learns as it processes by observing people at work. With an unwavering focus to improve, it develops your subject matter experts, increasing the speed and accuracy of your processes at scale.
The endpoint is often easy to define. But where you begin can have a profound impact on how quickly and efficiently you get there. IQ Bot sets up and enriches your starting points to make your RPA even more effective. IQ Bots keep learning – with or without supervision – to handle unstructured information that feeds your automated processes.
SoapUI is a free and open source cross-platform Functional Testing solution. With a graphical interface, and enterprise-class features, soapUI allows to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance, and load tests. In a single test environment, soapUI provides complete test coverage and supports all the standard protocols and technologies. There are simply no limits to what you can do with your tests.
TestDrive is an Automated Software Quality (ASQ) solution that addresses these requirements to achieve rapid automation. It is designed to test browser and legacy applications, as well as GUIs, including Java™, Ajax, Flex® and Silverlight®
The next generation technology incorporated into TestDrive brings practical business benefits that offer you options. For example, you might choose to conduct more comprehensive testing in the same time frame to reduce risk, or carry out the same amount of testing but finish quicker, or to use fewer costly resources, or any combination of these. The choice is yours.
Ranorex is a Windows GUI test automation framework which provides seamless testing of a wide range of desktop, web and mobile applications. As every robust test automation project requires reliable user interface object recognition, Ranorex focuses on providing the best possible recognition for all types of desktop, web and mobile software applications. Ranorex’s award winning object recognition relies on smart RanoreXPath technology – RanoreXPath reduces effort in maintaining tests and at the same time simplifies the testing of dynamically built user interfaces.
Vibz Automation Framework is not a tool to perform some specific task, but is an infrastructure that provides the solution where different tools can plug itself and do their job in an unified manner. Hence providing a common platform to the automation engineer doing their job. Vibz Automation Framework is designed keeping in view the easy of extending the scope of automation to meet any requirement which can be automated. Whether it is a web automation or a windows automation, anything can be brought under the unified framework either by using built-in modules or including extended module to the framework. The scope can be extended in four different directions.
Validata Advanced Testing Suite (ATS) is an enterprise automated testing platform designed to test the complete TemenosT24TM software stack enabling you to efficiently and effectively manage your T24 projects reducing overall project cost and significantly improving quality. It is the most innovative solution for end-to-end automated testing , for core banking applications, supporting all types of testing from ISB Validation, Intelligent COB monitoring to Functional and Regression Testing with a library of pre-built reusable test assets and pre-built Test Analytics delivering superior ROI and optimizing business risk.
Test-driven database development. Write readable, easy-to-maintain unit and integration tests for your database code. DBFit is a part of FitNesse, itself an implementation of the FIT acceptance testing framework. DBFit is directly targeted at database testing. Tests are written as wiki tables with a query or procedure execute followed by a listing of the expected results. It can handle direct SQL, stored procedures, or, with a bit of simple customization, custom procedures.
Whatever you do with a web browser, iMacros can automate it from web automation/web scripting, to data extraction, to web testing, and much, much more.
Browser Automation
iMacros lets you record and replay repetitious work and is the only web automation software that works with every website. Use iMacros to:
SmarteScript is a test automation solution, with no coding skills required. It's Learn and Interact function intuitively learns windows and objects used in an application. It creates test skeletons for each business process then develop test cases easily. Complex, data-driven scripts can be auto-generated. Respond to software changes with quick test case revisions instead of creating the test script from scratch. It provides the tools necessary to control test management and boost test productivity. Using SmarteScript, users can expect improved software quality, while improving the liklihood of meeting cost and performance goals.
You can use Visual Studio Ultimate 2010 or higher or Visual Studio Premium to create automated tests of the user interface (UI) known as coded UI tests. These tests provide functional testing of the user interface and validation of user interface controls. Automated UI tests enable you to test that the user interface is functioning correctly after code changes. They are quicker to run than manual tests. Therefore, you can run them more frequently.
IBM Rational Functional Tester is an automated functional testing and regression testing tool. This software provides automated testing capabilities for functional, regression, GUI, and data-driven testing. Rational Function Tester supports a range of applications, such as web-based, .Net, Java, Siebel, SAP, terminal emulator-based applications, PowerBuilder, Ajax, Adobe Flex, Dojo Toolkit, GEF, Adobe PDF documents, zSeries, iSeries, and pSeries.
DARTENIUM is a robust off-the-shelf automation framework based on the open source testing tool, Selenium, for Agile testing of web-based applications. It provides complete control over the automation process while freeing you from the tedious, complex tasks involved in manual testing.
DARTENIUM enables testing across multi-OS and browser combinations. It also has a robust execution engine in the form of the 'Scheduler' that allows multiple test instances on the same machine as well as parallel execution on multiple machines.
The Tellurium Automated Testing Framework (Tellurium) is an automated testing framework for web applications. The UI module makes it possible to build UI elements' locators at run time. The framework does Object to Locator Mapping (OLM) automatically at run time so that you can define UI objects simply by their attributes. The Tellurium framework defines a new Domain Specific Language (DSL) for web testing. Tellurium grew up from the Selenium framework, but with a different testing concept. Starting from Tellurium 0.7.0, Tellurium added Tellurium Engine to replace the Selenium Core to better support Tellurium.
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