Validata Group is the leader in Enterprise Software Testing solutions, helping clients build competitive advantage, maximise the speed of implementations & upgrades and improve time-to-market for new releases. By maximising the potential of their core banking applications, banks can deliver financial services with greater agility and with a more responsive model.
Validata SAS is a central suite for integrated tools, agnostic of any platform, database, UI & APIs, supporting end-to-end automated testing, legacy migration, configuration management and DevOps Analytics with built-in ALM model and reusable assets, suited to large scale integration, packaged upgrades and legacy migrations.
For more information please visit www.validata-software.com
Validata Holdings Ltd
Archibishop Makarios III Avenue & 2 Agapinoros Street
Iris Tower, Office 602
1075 Nicosia Cyprus
VHL Technical Solutions Ltd
7 Bourne Court
Southend Road Woodford Green,
Essex IG8 8HD UK
Validata Bulgaria
17A Vrabtcha Str
floor 1, office 3
1000 Sofia
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