Validata SAS Automated Lifecycle Management (ALM) suite is a central platform for integrated tools, built for the Banking and Finance sector, focused on managing core automated lifecycle activities from requirements through testing and configuration management allowing banks to encourage best practices by capturing and reusing project assets and process knowledge. Validata SAS is expanding the ALM suite in response to the key trends in the marketplace. Validata SAS streamlines the entire ALM lifecycle from business flow modeling, requirements visualization and project planning; configuration management and data integration; build and release management; end-to-end automated testing; defect and change management; and configurable Dashboards.
Product capabilities:
The approach includes the following capabilities:
Validata SAS enables real time synchronization, conflict resolution and support for many defect, QA, and CM systems.
Streamlines the entire ALM lifecycle from business flow modeling, requirements visualization and project planning; configuration management and data integration; build and release management; end-to-end automated testing; defect and change management; and configurable Dashboards.
Provides automated server side data integration for visibility and reporting across multiple systems in heterogeneous environments. It powers innovation and improves productivity by connecting roles and disciplines across the project lifecycle.
Serving as both an ALM integration and migration suite and as an end-to-end automation cloud-based solution, Validata SAS enables early testing, aligned with business goals even as requirements and realities change ensuring continuous delivery and improved efficiency.
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