SOAPSonar is a software testing and diagnostics tool for SOAP, XML and REST based Web Services. The core focus is on functional, performance, interoperability, and security testing of service endpoints by performing client simulation and automated generation of client messages. Service and API Testing. HTML, XML, SOAP, REST, and JSON. Test over HTTP/s FTP/s, SFTP, IBM MQ, Tibco EMS, Weblogic JMS. Comprehensive standards support for OASIS and W3C standards.
HTTP Test Tool is a script based tool for testing and benchmarking web applications, web servers, proxy servers and web browsers. httest can emulate clients and servers even in the same test script. Advanced HTTP protocol handling, including ne-grained timeout handling, request and response validation, Simulating clients and servers, including startup and shutdown of server daemons. This allows creating mock-ups of back-end systems in more complex test situations Execution of external command line tools, using their output as a request or response data, or for validation purposes.
CodeSonar has been proven to provide the deepest static analysis, finding more critical defects than other static analysis tools on the market. CodeSonar has performed best on several static analysis tool benchmarks in finding static memory, resource management, concurrency, and other defects.
By analyzing both source code and binaries, CodeSonar enables teams to analyze complete applications, enabling you to take control of your software supply chain and eliminate the most costly and hard-to-find defects early in the application development lifecycle.
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