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Pivotal, Inc.


Pivotal, Inc.

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Pivotal, Inc.


Pivotal transforms how the world builds software. Pivotal combines the Silicon Valley state of mind, modern approach, and infrastructure with organizations’ core expertise and values. We enable the leading companies in the world to innovate by employing an approach focused on building software. Our methodology is about evolving, in both development and innovation, and our culture is empowering. Our team uses agile and lean approaches to teach next-generation developers to create and build new solutions. We optimize for change so enterprises can move at start-up speeds and with greater business agility.

2 013
Company Size: 
1001-UP employees
Privately Held

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big data, cloud computing, hadoop, analytics, software, open source software, containerization, private cloud, data science, cloud foundry, mobile software development, platform-as-a-service, hybrid cloud, microservices, pair programming, agile development

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