Google Test is an excellent xUnit style c++ unit testing framework. One (minor) drawback of Google Test is it's text based UI.This project is a standalone .Net 2.0 executable which displays a UI for a Google Test based harness with the following elements: 1) A progress bar which is either green or red, according to test success; 2) A list of all failures and their details upon click. The UI saves a history of several runs (configurable), allows command line parameters to be passed to the test program and gives convenient access to the following google test features:
The project is written in C# and runs on Windows and Linux. Window executable available for download. Linux executable can be easily built using Mono and Mono Develop - link to sources zip is at your right.
If you insist on "Program Files", then you will need to run this with Administrative rights.
Version 1.2.3
Version 1.2.2
Version 1.2.1
Work around for Mono/Ubuntu issue of closing stream before fully read - app does not crash but allows re-pressing "Go".
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