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JetBrains builds productivity software for developers who want to focus more on what they want to accomplish, and less on mundane, repetitive tasks. 

Our line of software products include: 

* IntelliJ IDEA (The most intelligent Java IDE) 
* PhpStorm (Lightning-smart PHP IDE) 
* WebStorm (The smartest JavaScript IDE) 
* PyCharm (Python IDE for professional developers) 
* RubyMine (The most intelligent Ruby IDE) 
* AppCode (Smart IDE for iOS/OS X development) 
* CLion (A smart cross-platform IDE for C and C++) 
* DataGrip (Your Swiss Army knife for databases & SQL) 
* PyCharm Edu (Professional tool to learn programming with Python) 

* ReSharper (Visual Studio extension for .NET developers) 
* ReSharper C++ (Visual Studio extension for .NET developers) 
* dotTrace (.NET performance Profiler) 
* dotMemory (.NET memory Profiler) 
* dotCover (.NET unit test runner and code coverage tool) 
* dotPeek (Free .NET decompiler and assembly browser) 

* TeamCity (Powerful Continuous Integration out of the box) 
* YouTrack (Issue tracker designed for development teams 
* Upsource (Code review and repository browsing) 
* Hub (JetBrains team tools, integrated) 

* Kotlin (Statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser) 
* MPS (DSL development environment)

2 000
Company Size: 
501-1000 employees
Privately Held

Contact Representatives


JetBrains s.r.o. Kavčí Hory Office Park,
Na hřebenech II 1718/10Prague, 
14700 Czech Republic



Software Development, Productivity Software, IDE, Java, .Net, C#, VB.Net, Ruby, Objective-C, PHP, Javascript, Python, C++, Continuous Integration, Issue Tracker, iOS, Swift, Android, Developer Tools
Titlesort ascending Testing Objectives Since Price Quotes Ping
dotCover Code Coverage testing 2,010 Nov 2015 : Commercial License : $199 ; Upgrade Subscription Renewal : $99, Nov 2015 : Personal License : $99 ; Upgrade Subscription Renewal : $49, Nov 2015 : Academic License : $29 ; Upgrade Subscription Renewal : $19 Active

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