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Odin Technology


Odin Technology

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Odin Technology


Operating for over a decade, Odin are industry experts in the design, development and implementation of test automation products and solutions to clients in the US, Africa, Australia, Europe and India. Where test automation tools have in the past been a worthy aspiration but never fulfilled their promise, Odin have created the Axe platform, which consistently delivers – software that works. The Axe Test Automation platform is proven to be faster in implementation, cheaper to maintain and less resource intensive to build and integrate scenarios. Axe uses sophisticated yet easy to use techniques to generate fully documented test automation code for multiple test automation tools, including market leading commercial and open source tools.

Company Size: 
1-10 employees

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Axe platform, test automation,easy maintenance,code and documentation generation platform
Titlesort ascending Testing Objectives Since Price Quotes Ping
Axe Platform Code Coverage testing, Desktop testing 2,008 Call Manufacturer for details Active

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