The GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute user actions under the X11 environment. It can be used for testing and demonstrating X11 applications. Within X11 each user input (mouse click or key press) is an X Window system event. Xnee records these events into a file. Later Xnee is used to play the events back from the file and into an X Window System just as though the user were operating the system. Xnee can also be used to play or distribute user input events to two or more machines in parallel. As the target X Window application sees what appears to be physical user input it has resulted in Xnee being dubbed “Xnee is Not an Event Emulator.” Xnee is an opensource application and it can be modified to handle special tasks. For example, inserting time stamps as part of the playback. GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can imitate the job you just did. GNU Xnee is licensed under GNU GPLv3.
Xnee can be used to
Xnee modules include
Features cnee comes with all features that is offered by libxnee. The same features are offered by the GUI program gnee. There is, however, one major thing that you only can do with cnee: do unattended and automatic regression test (e.g using cron). The features:
All Xnee applications (gnee and cnee) receives X11 protocol data (e g XEvents) from an X server using the libxnee and prints them to a file. This file is used later on when replaying. Events directly generated by the user (e.g KeyPress) can be replayed or faked. Requests, replies, errors and events not directly generated by the user (e.g MapNotify) can be recorded as well. By using these data Xnee applications can replay with synchronisation. This is not only useful but essential.
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