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Web Testing Tools Comparison

This is a list of Web testing tools, giving a general overview in terms of features.
Main features for the Web testing tools may be classified based on different prerequisites that a user may require to test web applications mainly scripting requirements, GUI functionality and browser compatibility.



Data Migration testing

2018 Here We Come

Some cool facts about the TestProject blog for the New Year!

TDD, Is it IN-USE...

Test Driven Development, seems to have less and less use. many R&D processes are moving to more dynamic ways, faster ways in a sense. TDD create a reliable software but it also slow down the development process.

Test Driven Development, how much is it in use? 

Is it a good development practice or just a hold back, and waste of development time?

Are you working with TDD method and how do you implement it in your development process?


Smart CSS locators - a must-have for successful UI testing automation

If you are building a formidable web application, I bet your team has to perform intense visual regression testing, including CSS verification. This requires lots of time and efforts, and what is even worse - a human eye gets tired after a number of identical verification operations. Automating this process could save the day, but it requires a well-functioning solution. Particularly, a good UI test automation tool needs to have smart CSS locators to detect unstable web UI elements properly.



Table Summary
Dynamic Manual Testing
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Test-drive assist Tool Scope Test Management, Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Floating license, Subscription, Trial
Since 2007
Company Original Software
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE

UI regression testing - to automate or not to automate?

Repeated verification of the same areas, looking for tiniest inconsistencies is a pain, as everyone knows. Here are most common challenges UI regression testing brings:

Silk Performer


Table Summary
The enterprise-class performance testing solution
Last Release Year ['Active'=Current]: 


Silk Performer
 Silk Performer Tool Scope Testing Tool
Application Rights Commercial, Trial
Since 1994
Company Micro Focus Software, Inc.
Support Tool Support link HERE
Download Download HERE



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