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Cloud Service

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Title Testing Objectives Since Price Quotes Ping
AppLoader Desktop testing, Image Based Testing, EMail Testing, Image Comparison, Java testing, Load Capabilities, Stress Testing, Performance Analysis, SAP Testing, Web testing 2,000 Please Call Manufacturer for more details... Active
SandStorm Stress Testing, Mobile Testing, Performance Analysis, Protocol Testing 2,011 Active
Loadster Load Capabilities, Stress Testing, Network testing, Performance Analysis, SOA testing, Web testing 2,004 2015: Loadster Cloud-1000 units : $79, 2015: Loadster Cloud-10000 units: $499 , 2015: Loadster Engine 3.x : $699 Active
SIGOS Mobile Testing Mobile Testing, Web testing, Cross-Browser testing 1,995 July 2015: PRO - $180 per month, July 2015: Enterprise - starting at $750 Active
ReQtest Application Life Cycle Tracking 2,009 2016: 1-15 users - 56$/user , 2016: 100 users and more - 10$/user Active
TestingBot Mobile Testing, Web testing, Cross-Browser testing 2,011 Active
Testsigma 2,017 Not Published Active

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